Keller Williams Realty East Monmouth
מספר רישיון: 1643794 - NJ / REALTOR® ב- The Bardell Group
כל משרד של Keller Williams® הוא בבעלות עצמאית ומופעל


To say I love what I do would be an understatement. I never believed I would find a profession I was so passionate about after getting out of the Army. Then I found myself in real estate and the joy it brings by helping so many different people sell and buy homes, I truly feel blessed. I believe in seeing your process through whether it is the sale of your house, the purchase of a new home, or even both. There are so many aspects involved with making your dreams a reality, therefore I take pride in assisting you every step of the way. I was born and raised in New Jersey, living here for most of my life has given me an abundance of knowledge of our area. With many years of sales and marketing experience, our team at Keller Williams will definitely bring you results in getting your home sold. When it comes to your purchase, I will use my vast knowledge of our local market to help make the process a seamless one. I would love to make your dreams a reality!

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התמחויות וייעודים REALTOR®
מרכז השוק Keller Williams East Monmouth
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